¡Puedes ayudar a mantener viva nuestra misión!
MMEA se enorgullece del trabajo que hacemos para ayudar a liderar la profesión en Maryland. Para continuar esta misión, necesitamos apoyo financiero regular . MMEA debe recaudar no menos de $ 1,000 cada mes para mantener la viabilidad durante el año 2020-2021.
Estar incluido entre las personas que apoyan los programas y actividades que tienen impacto. haga clic aquà para donar a MMEA hoy! Configurar donaciones mensuales automatizadas es una manera fácil de ayudar a sostener la Asociación a lo largo del tiempo. Considere convertirse en un donante de apoyo .
Todas las contribuciones financieras a MMEA son deducibles de impuestos. Obtenga más información sobre cómo unirse a MMEA / NAfME.
¡AmplÃe sus oportunidades de patrocinio!
Para oportunidades de patrocinio, envÃe un correo electrónico a JJ Norman, Director Ejecutivo a mmeamarylandinfo@gmail.com .
Joe Corbi's is partnering with the Maryland Music Educators Association for the 2024-2025 school year! A portion of each sale will be donated to MMEA in support of Music Education in Maryland for educators and students.
When Maryland music programs sell 20,000 items this year, it will generate approximately $125,000 in profit! In addition to the funds generated by these sales, Joe Corbi’s will donate an additional $5,000 to MMEA in appreciation for the partnership.
Take advantage of this partnership, and fundraise for your school music program, as well as support MMEA at the same time!​
Sell 20,000 items across the state and Joe Corbi’s commits to donate $5,000 to MMEA!
No cost to get started
Sales can be done 100% online
"Easy to Make" high-quality Pizza Kit meals for families on the go
Dedicated consultant to work with your point of contact
Offer applies to all Maryland public and private school music programs
Joe Corbi’s will also be an Exhibitor at both of our MMEA Conferences this year,
so be sure to stop by their booth and learn more!